Kevin de Bree

Full Stack Developer

Data Analyst

About Me

I'm a developer with a background in research and data science. I'm currently launching my new career in web development in the Greater Los Angeles Area. I'm passionate about learning new concepts and technologies and working with dynamic teams.

Front-End Development

Experience with designing websites and applications using modern web development libraries

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • ReactJS

Back-End Development

Extensive experience with object-oriented programming, in addition to routing and querying databases.

  • MySQL- with Sequelize
  • MongoDB - using Mongoose
  • Express
  • Node.js
  • MVC Architecture with React
  • RESTful API

Responsive Design

Experience building applications that utilize front-end frameworks to be responsive across multiple platforms and devices

  • Bootstrap
  • Material Design Lite

Version Control, CLI, and Deployment

Experience working and collaborating on projects with other developers using Version Control platforms such as Git.

  • Git
  • Github
  • Gitbash
  • Google Firebase
  • Heroku

My Portfolio


Brokerhub 2.0

Commercial Real Estate Listing Database, designed for small to medium CRE firms to list their properties.

Built using MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, and Node.

Live Demo | Git Repo

Star Wars

Star Wars

Simple Web game that allows you to command one of the heroes, or villains, of the Star Wars universe

Built using JavaScript and HTML

Live Demo | Git Repo


Brokerhub 1.0

Proprietary prototype Commercial Real Estate listing database designed to be implemented on Brokerage Firm's website.

Built using MySQL, ExpressJS, JavaScript, and Node, with Google Maps.

Git Repo

Rick and Morty

Rick and Morty

"M-Morty... you gotta, gotta *urp*, gotta avoid clicking the picture twice." "Oh, geez, Rick"

Simple Memory Game built using ReactJS

Live Demo | Git Repo

Want to get in touch?

I am currently looking for work opportunities in software engineering or fullstack development. I am also interested in collaborating in open source projects.

Connect With Me!